My life and yours. I love people and taking pictures. Does it get any better than that?
Spending some time with my brand-spankin' new nephew
I've been called Paparazzi, Asian tourist (photography related) and freshy-pants (life related)
I can't go a day without jamming to music ... or laughing
Being barefoot is the best thing
Being in flip flops is a close second
I've been taking jumping pictures before it got out of hand
Spreadsheets are underrated
... so are Hall & Oates
I think boring people are the only ones that get bored
Kids are hilarious and they don't even have to try
Everyone thinks I'm Hawaiian or Mexican - I got a Lebanese/Italian mix once though, that was strange
Reality TV is addicting
Math doesn't lie
I over use ... (dot dot dot)
Random likes: chapstick, ice cream, jeans and country music
One day, I'd like to be a contestant on the Amazing Race
Most importantly, I'm fun, friendly and just the right amount of awkward ... you're guaranteed a laugh working with me. Direct quote "You can make friends with a rock." True story.
Leia Amarra Photography would not have happened without all these fine folks (in chronological order)!
My family! <3 you!
My best friend, Ra, who had been telling me to do this since college.
Baby momma, Luz, who birthed my muse; she's unofficially my manager and they helped me get my site together
My photographer buddy who taught me the ins and outs of using the camera.
Full-time wedding photographer friend who brought me on one of her weddings to assist Nicole Chan Photography
... and everyone who helped my build a portfolio!
Newly appointed parents, Amy & Neil, Mollie & Dave Newton, The future Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McIsaac, Brian, Kara, Alex & Titan Danz, Jeff, Luz & WLO Ostrosky, The Farbers, The Anderson kids, Hamilton twins, The Grimes Family, Jaehne Family, Borges-Foster Clan